
Endorsements are invited from PIPSC Members and general public. 

If you also would like to endorse me, please email me the text shown at right. Alternatively, you can also write your own text. (See endorsements for other candidates to get inspired, for example, here for current VP.)

NB: Please ensure that your endorsement includes the "does not imply" disclaimer shown at right.

See also:

In no particular order. More to be added.  

I endorse Dmitry Gorodnichy for the PIPSC Vice President (part-time) and encourage all PIPSC members to vote for Dmitry. This endorsement does not imply any endorsement of the candidate by any Institute body, the Institute as a corporate body, or by the employees of the Institute.” 

Dr. Pavel Cheben, Principal Research Officer, NRC
Paul Sanderson, Senior Program Advisor, CBSA
Joy Chowdhury, Senior Security Analyst, RCMP
Jeffrey Santos,  Informatics Specialist , PSPC
Ray Vidalis, Technical Advisor, ESDC
Chantal Bertrand, M.Sc., Scientific Evaluator, Health Canada
Linda Kim, Supportability Engineer, DND