Request to update PIPSC Equity Statement
to include additional grounds of discrimination
This page documents my efforts to address the discriminatory and harassing rhetoric towards members who challenged the Vaccination Mandate.
Policy on Conduct - PIPSC (PDF)
2. Principles of Good Conduct
3. Harassment or Discrimination
"I have received numerous stories and testimonials from members who reported experiencing harassing or discriminatory messages and behaviours from union representatives. This includes accounts from members who were deeply traumatized by discriminatory or harassing rhetoric directed at those who did not comply with the Vaccination Mandate. Some members described language that equated their fight for fundamental constitutional rights to "alcoholics refusing treatment." Such rhetoric intensified their distress, leading some to experience severe emotional trauma, including suicidal thoughts" (Dmitry, from communication with PIPSC Legal Dept)
"This issue—discrimination and harassment targeting individuals who exercise different religious or health practices than those of union staff and executives—is extremely serious. It cannot be brushed aside or deprioritized." (Dmitry, from communication with PIPSC Legal Dept)
Expand the Union’s Equity Statement to include additional grounds of harassment and discrimination, such as differences in medical and health choices and spiritual or non-religious practices.
Electoral Priority: 1 and 3
Status: In Process | Awaiting for Legal response
Post-AGM follow-up with Legal (JAN 2025) - awaiting for response
Resolution submitted for the 2024 PIPSC AGM (P-22) - referred to BoD (NOV 2024)
Draft submitted to Legal for review (JUL 2024)
Presented to NCR Executives (JUN 2024)
Risk/Progress: Yellow (Moderate risk, ongoing progress).
See also:
Below is my letter to the PIPSC Legal department to address the issue.
Last updated: JAN 2025.
From: Dmitry O. Gorodnichy
Date: Mon, Jan 6, 2025 at 1:31 PM
Subject: Follow up questions - Re: Request to updated PIPSC Equity Statement
To: Tania XXXX, Marie-Hélène YYYY
Bonjour Tania and Marie-Hélène,
Happy New Year to you and your families!
I hope this message finds you well. I wanted to follow up on our important communication from last year, which unfortunately we did not have the opportunity to conclude. For convenience, I am re-pasting my questions from that earlier exchange here:
What is the general logistical procedure for proposing changes to the Union's Equity Statement?
Is there a specific task force or team assigned to this matter? If so, who leads it, so I can ensure I’m engaging with the appropriate people and following the correct process?
As you may be aware, to bring attention to this issue, I authored a resolution for the 2024 AGM (P-22), which has been now referred to the Board of Directors. However, I noted that the Legal comment associated with this resolution recommended it be ruled out of order, stating:
"PIPSC equity statement in adherence with legal requirement. As a non-profit organization incorporated under the Canada Not-for-profit Corporations Act, PIPSC is required to comply with existing legislation regarding discrimination. The Institute does not have the discretionary power to alter the legal definition of discrimination or add grounds of discrimination that are not recognized by law. Any attempt to do so would contravene the organization's legal obligations and would therefore be invalid. PIPSC must adhere to the grounds of discrimination defined by applicable legislation and cannot unilaterally adopt new ones through an internal resolution."
While I understand this perspective, it does not resolve the core issue, nor does it address the concerns raised. This is why I’m reaching out directly to ensure the matter is properly addressed, and that a clear path forward is identified.
Since our conversation in the summer, I have received numerous additional stories and testimonials from members who reported experiencing harassing or discriminatory messages and behaviours from union representatives. This includes accounts from members who were deeply traumatized by discriminatory or harassing rhetoric directed at those who did not comply with the Vaccination Mandate. For example, some members described language that equated their fight for fundamental constitutional rights to "alcoholics refusing treatment." Such rhetoric intensified their distress, leading some to experience severe emotional trauma, including suicidal thoughts.
This issue—discrimination and harassment targeting individuals who exercise different religious or health practices than those of union staff and executives—is extremely serious. It cannot be brushed aside or deprioritized.
I am therefore bringing this matter back to your attention to ensure it is properly addressed and prioritized in this new year.
Thank you, and I look forward to hearing from you.
Please note that I am communicating with you in my capacity as a regular member and 2024 VP (PT) candidate, not as an NCR executive.
Please also note that this message, and your response to it, will be shared with the members whose concerns I am vocalizing here.
Best regards,
Dmitry Gorodnichy
OCT 2024
P-22 - Inclusion of Additional Grounds of Discrimination in the PIPSC Equity Statement (E)
Sponsored by Dmitry Gorodnichy (member) | Disposition:
Whereas the current PIPSC Equity Statement, while addressing significant areas of discrimination, does not encompass all the diverse aspects that can affect our members. By expanding the statement to include more grounds of discrimination, we can better reflect the inclusive values of PIPSC and ensure all members feel represented and supported, in particular those who experience discrimination on the grounds that are presently not listed in the Equity Statement.
Whereas current Union's messaging related to the religious backgrounds allows exclusion of non-scriptural ways of spirituality such as First Nations ways of living, karmic laws followers, and other spiritual and conscience practices not connected to churches or religious leaders.
BE IT RESOLVED THAT PIPSC updates the Equity Statement to make it more inclusive and representative of the diverse membership we serve by modifying the following clause as shown below:
Clause in its present form:
Discriminatory speech or conduct which is racist, sexist, transphobic, or homophobic hurts and divides us. So too, does discrimination on the basis of disability, age, class, religion, language and ethnic origin.
Proposed extended clause (new and modified terms are underlined)
Discriminatory speech or conduct that targets individuals based on race, sex, gender, ethnic origin, , language, age, cultural and educational backgrounds, religious and other enlightenment conscious practices, medical treatment and prophylactic preferences harms and divides us.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED PIPSC Revise Union's messaging related to the religious backgrounds to include non-scriptural ways of spirituality such as First Nations ways of living, karmic laws followers, and other spiritual and conscience practices not connected to churches or religious leaders.
RSC: No Comment
Legal: Recommend to be ruled out of order
PIPSC equity statement in adherence with legal requirement. As a non-profit organization incorporated under the Canada Not-for-profit Corporations Act, PIPSC is required to comply with existing legislation regarding discrimination. The Institute does not have the discretionary power to alter the legal definition of discrimination or add grounds of discrimination that are not recognized by law. Any attempt to do so would contravene the organization's legal obligations and would therefore be invalid. PIPSC must adhere to the grounds of discrimination defined by applicable legislation and cannot unilaterally adopt new ones through an internal resolution.
JUN 2024
Source: gdoc
Recommendation to Update the PIPSC Equity Statement for Greater Inclusivity, by Dmitry Gorodnichy for discussion with PIPSC NCR Executives and Legal.
Following the concerns expressed by PIPSC members, I respectfully request the PIPSC leadership to update the Equity Statement to make it more inclusive and representative of the diverse membership we serve.
Reason for Change:
The current statement, while addressing significant areas of discrimination, does not encompass all the diverse aspects that can affect our members. By expanding the statement to include more grounds of discrimination, we can better reflect the inclusive values of PIPSC and ensure all members feel represented and supported.
The proposed change will:
Enhance the inclusivity of our organization.
Reflect our commitment to diversity and equity.
Foster a more welcoming and supportive environment for all members.
Encourage unity and collaboration among members from diverse backgrounds.
Thank you for your attention to this important matter. I look forward to your positive response and action on this issue. The proposed changes are included in Annex A.
Dmitry Gorodnichy, Ph.D, PIPSC NCR Executive (Group: RE, Department: CBSA)
Annex A: Proposed Changes
The proposed changes for PIPSC Equity statement are provided below.
Additional grounds of possible discrimination are underlined. Key messages are highlighted in bold.
Current PIPSC Equity statement
Union solidarity is based on the principle that all union members are equal and deserve mutual respect. Any harassing or discriminatory behaviour that creates conflict prevents us from working to strengthen our solidarity and the labour movement.
As professional public servants and unionists, mutual respect, cooperation and understanding are our goals. We neither condone nor tolerate behaviour that undermines the dignity or self-esteem of any individual or creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive environment.
Clause to be updated:
Discriminatory speech or conduct which is racist, sexist, transphobic, or homophobic hurts and divides us. So too, does discrimination on the basis of disability, age, class, religion, language and ethnic origin.
Proposed revised cause:
Discriminatory speech or conduct that targets individuals based on race, sex, gender, ethnic origin, socioeconomic status, cultural and educational background, religion, language, age, dietary and lifestyle choices, or medical treatment preferences harms and divides us.
Medical prophylactic and treatment ppreferences
Sometimes discrimination takes the form of harassment. Harassment means using real or perceived power to abuse, devalue or humiliate. Harassment is not a joke. The uneasiness and resentment that harassment creates, are not feelings that help us grow in solidarity.
Discrimination and harassment focus on characteristics that make us different, rather than those elements that make us the same. They reduce our capacity to work together for and with our members for better contracts, safe working conditions, and justice in both the workplace and society.
The Institute’s enduring values, our policies and practices reflect on our commitment to equality.
Proposed additional clause:We must unite and work collaboratively to embrace the diversity of different views and backgrounds, seek language and actions that bring members together, and avoid those that may create division and ostracism within our multicultural, multifaceted community of public servant professionals.