Action Tracker

Ever-green. Last updated: 2025-02-28

This page tracks actions taken to address the concerns members shared during my election campaign. Each action aligns with one or more of the three key priorities outlined in my Electoral Platform:


Related pages


Actions related to National issues

1. Address High Fear of Reprisal and Industrial/Political Interference

Support professionals working in health, food, and environmental policy and product evaluation units who report high levels of fear of reprisal. Prioritize efforts to combat political and industrial interference in these critical areas.

Priority: 2 and 3
Status: In Planning | On Hold

Risk/Progress: Yellow (Moderate risk, ongoing progress).

2. Equity Statement Update

Expand the Union’s Equity Statement to include additional grounds of harassment and discrimination, such as differences in medical and health choices and spiritual or non-religious practices.

Priority: 1 and 3
Status: In Process | Awaiting for Legal response

Risk/Progress: Yellow (Moderate risk, ongoing progress).

3. Address Harassment and Discrimination Related to Vaccination Mandates

Investigate and address the harassment, hateful rhetoric, and discriminatory behaviour by Union staff and executives toward members who challenged vaccination mandates. Identify the source of such behaviour (e.g., employer influence, work from behavioural science units like TBS-IIU or PHAC).

Priority: 2 and 3
Status: Under Investigation
Next Steps:

Risk/Progress: Yellow (Moderate risk, ongoing progress).

4. Investigate Decisions Around the Vaccination Mandate

Uncover decision-making processes and data behind the Union’s choice not to challenge vaccination mandates initially and the lack of follow-up support for affected members.

Priority: 1 and 3
Status: In Planning
Key Questions:

Next Steps:

Risk/Progress: Yellow (Moderate risk, ongoing progress).

Actions related to NCR operation

1. NCR Delegate Selection Transparency

Improve transparency in the NCR delegate selection process for National and Regional AGMs.

Priority: 1
Status: In Progress

Risk/Progress: Green  (Low risk, on track)

2. NCR Electoral Process

Enhance member participation, representation, transparency of the NCR electoral process.

Priority: 1
Status: In Discussion


Next Steps:

Risk/Progress: Yellow (Moderate risk, ongoing progress).

3.  NCR Executive Minutes

Enhance transparency of the NCR operation  and executive meeting documentation.

Priority: 1
Status: In Discussion

Next Steps:

Risk/Progress: Yellow (Moderate risk, ongoing progress).

Other Actions (modernization & data science)

Explore the use of AI tools to modernize PIPSC operation ( optional, as time allows):