Core Labour Issues

Core Labour Issues I Will Address

As your Vice-President (part-time), I am committed to addressing the core labour issues that affect our professionals within the Government of Canada. These issues are vital to ensuring that our public service operates fairly, transparently, and effectively, and that every professional is supported in their role.

1. Job Security

Issue: Job security remains a significant concern, particularly for those in term or contract roles. 

How I Will Address It: I will advocate for clear pathways to permanent employment and work towards reducing the reliance on precarious contract positions. I will also push for stronger protections for employees during organizational changes and budget cuts.

2. Fair Compensation

Issue: Issues with wages, pay equity, and the ongoing challenges with the Phoenix pay system have left many professionals feeling underappreciated. 

How I Will Address It: I will work to ensure that all employees receive fair and timely compensation. This includes advocating for a review and adjustment of pay scales where necessary, ensuring pay equity, and holding the government accountable for resolving issues with the Phoenix pay system.

3. Working Conditions

Issue: Safe, healthy, and supportive working conditions are essential for a productive public service. 

How I Will Address It: I will promote the implementation of flexible work arrangements, including remote work options, and ensure that Return to Office (RTO) policies are balanced and considerate of employees' needs. I will also advocate for comprehensive mental health support and resources to ensure a healthy work-life balance - 

4. Union Representation and Collective Bargaining

Issue: Strong union representation is crucial for protecting employee rights and negotiating fair contracts. 

How I Will Address It: I will ensure that our union is transparent and effective in representing all members, particularly in collective bargaining negotiations. I will also work to improve communication and engagement with members to ensure that their voices are heard.

5. Workplace Harassment and Discrimination

Issue: Harassment and discrimination undermine the integrity and morale of our workforce. 

How I Will Address It: I will push for stronger policies and procedures to prevent and address harassment and discrimination in the workplace, ensuring protection for all members, regardless of cultural background, presumed medical status, medical treatment preferences, or conscious and religious beliefs.   I will advocate for mandatory training and support systems that empower employees to speak up without fear of reprisal.

6. Professional Development and Career Advancement

Issue: Opportunities for professional growth and advancement are key to a motivated workforce. 

How I Will Address It: I will work to ensure that all employees have access to training, mentorship, and career advancement opportunities. I will also advocate for fair and transparent promotion processes that recognize and reward merit.

7. Pension and Retirement Benefits

Issue: Fair and sustainable pension and retirement benefits are essential for our long-term security. 

How I Will Address It: I will defend and enhance pension and retirement benefits, ensuring that they remain fair, sustainable, and reflective of the needs of our workforce. I will also work to protect these benefits from any cuts or reductions.

8. Health and Safety

Issue: Maintaining high standards of health and safety is non-negotiable. 

How I Will Address It: I will advocate for comprehensive health and safety policies that protect employees from physical and psychological harm. This includes addressing ergonomic concerns, ensuring workplace safety measures, and promoting mental health initiatives.

9. Workplace Equity and Diversity

Issue: Equity, diversity, and inclusion are essential for a just and effective workplace. 

How I Will Address It: I will promote initiatives that advance equity and diversity in hiring, retention, and promotion. I will work to ensure that our workplace is inclusive and supportive of all employees, regardless of cultural background, presumed medical status, medical treatment preferences, or conscious and religious beliefs.  

10. Workload and Burnout

Issue: Managing workload and preventing burnout is critical to maintaining a healthy workforce. 

How I Will Address It: I will push for realistic workload expectations, ensuring that employees have the resources and support they need to succeed. I will also advocate for policies that address stress and burnout prevention, including flexible work arrangements and mental health support.

I believe that by addressing these core labour issues, we can create a better, more supportive environment for all public servants without discrimination.
Your voice and participation are crucial to making this happen. If you have any other concerns or ideas, please contact me.