No More Mandates!
This page addresses one of the biggest and most silenced concerns I have heard from many PIPSC members - the lack of transparency and adequate actions from the Union for members who suffered the violation of their more sacred fundamental rights (religion, bodily autonomy, informed consent), harassment, discrimination, exclusion, loss of income and health problems due to the mandatory vaccination policy (the Mandate). Many members are fearful of another politically motivated, pharma-driven vaccination mandate, which would lead it even further violation of human rights and torture for members.
"I have been impacted terribly due to the [vaccination] mandate and how the union advocates on behalf of the employer instead of their members." (Region NCR, Group: CS)
"I’m very concerned about the vaccine mandates. Not everyone survived the vaccines. I had a sister who passed away 4 days after taking the vaccine. ... No drugs should be forced upon anyone and the union gave us absolutely no help on this at all... The union really needs to step up to the government" (Region: NCR, Group: AFC)
"Violation by the employer members basic human rights (bodily autonomy, freedom of religion) is not even listed on PIPSC website. What a shame… " (Region: NCR, Group: NR).
"I am really afraid of another [vaccination] mandate. Union did not help us at all with the first one. I doubt they will with the next one..." (Region: NCR, Group: SP).
"This comment [afraid of another mandate] is the one I would write too, I would only add a few references for unaware union members and officials on where the fear of another mandate is coming from..." (Region: NB, CS) - Read more
This page organized around two purposes:
to raise awareness among members who may not yet be aware of this issue - through impacted members' testimonials and resources to learn more, and
to provide ideas and tools for those who are aware and/or who are seeking ways to prevent the devastating politically-driven mandates from happening again.
There is clear evidence that the Mandatory Vaccination Policy (The Mandate), which was imposed on all union members by the Government of Canada in October 2021, caused significant trauma for thousands of members. Many were left without income for extended periods, with no end in sight, while others experienced psychological distress from the violation of fundamental human rights, such as religious freedom and bodily autonomy. Additionally, some members suffered adverse reactions to the vaccines—outcomes that could have been avoided. Most troublingly, these mandates appear to have been driven not by scientific evidence but by political agendas and industry interests.
There is also strong evidence that foreign industry-lobbied organizations, such as the World Health Organization (WHO) and the World Economic Forum (WEF), have been influencing governments worldwide to impose WHO-recommended policies. These actions, lacking in transparency and scientific scrutiny, bypass democratic processes and set the stage for future mandates tied to new man-made pandemics, which could once again compromise fundamental human rights and lead to further traumas and suffering or members.
Despite the serious impact of the vaccination mandate imposed by the employer in October 2021, the Union took no action to mobilize its members against it. Unlike the campaigns the Union organized against Return to Office (RTO) mandates, which also caused distress to many members, no such support or awareness campaigns were undertaken for those concerned with the vaccination mandate —despite its far greater toll on members.
This lack of action can no longer be permitted. The union cannot remain passive when such policies threaten the well-being of our members. The lives and welfare of all members, and indeed all Canadians, depend on the union’s ability to defend our professionals against the pressures of industry and global organizations that influence government agencies overseeing public health and safety.
Whether or not I am elected, raising awareness on this issue will remain a top priority for me, as both a Union member and a concerned Canadian. Together, we must ensure that no future mandates, driven by external agendas, infringe upon members’ fundamental rights or use economic coercion as a means of enforcement. Never again should union members be forced to choose between their livelihoods and their personal freedoms.
This is why I’ve created this page, "No More Mandates!" Here, I’ll share quotes and stories (testimonials) from members who were impacted by the 2021 vaccination mandate and by the Union's decision not to challenge it. I’ll also provide resources and ideas on how we can collectively improve the situation—through open dialogue and scientific debate, just as many of us with PhDs and professional designations were trained to do in universities and scientific forums.
At PIPSC, we are professionals with advanced degrees and specialized expertise. I believe we can lead by example, showing Canadians how challenging topics should be approached. On issues that have been used to polarize people politically, we can instead bring people closer together by welcoming opposing views and fostering respectful debate. As the philosopher John Stuart Mill said, "Truth emerges through the clash of differing opinions."
We have a historic opportunity here to show our members and all Canadians that we can discuss even sensitive topics professionally, without divisive rhetoric, gaslighting, or discrimination. Let’s embrace this opportunity—to unite our members, support healing within our communities, and overcome the misunderstandings, discrimination, and suffering that many have experienced.
Let’s do it!