Less known facts about the pandemic and vaccination mandates
No More Mandates! / Resources
Understanding the problem begins with learning the facts—many of which remain hidden from the general public.
Below are resources to help expand your knowledge of these issues.
Below are resources to help expand your knowledge of these issues.
Engagement and Learning Opportunities:
Books marked with (CA) are authored by Canadian writers who possess impressive professional credentials, many with impeccable scientific reputations in their respective fields. If you're interested in discussing or debating any topics covered in these books with their authors, I can help arrange a Zoom meeting. I’ve already proposed hosting such member-engagement events to my fellow NCR Executives. Should there be sufficient interest, we can organize these meetings!
Similarly, if members would like a presentation from the National Citizens Inquiry commissioners or the CCCA Science and Medical Advisory Committee (SMAC), some of whom are former leading scientists with Government of Canada and PIPSC members, please let me know—I can assist in organizing those as well.
For members in the National Capital Region:
I can lend you some of these books, and I’ve also recommended them for inclusion in the PIPSC Headquarters library. Some titles may already be available there.
Books by Canadian Scientists and Eye-witnesses
Some of these books are in Ottawa Public Library. I have some of them too, if you'd like to borrow.
Note that and industry- and government-funded main stream media aim to discrete many these books, events, their authors and speakers. Use your brains and hearts to discern inconvenient truths from propaganda.
Livres en français:
Corrompus jusqu'à la moëlle, 2010 (Amazon)
Tous Vaccinés, Tous Protégés: Vaccins COVID-19, Chronique d'une Catastrophe Sanitaire Annoncée 2023 (Amazon,
On Industry Interference and Corruption in Health Canada and PHAC :
Corrupted to the Core: Memoirs of a Health Canada Whistleblower, 2009 (Amazon)
Fisman's Fraud: : The Rise of Canadian Hate Science, published 2023 (Amazon, Website)
On Suffering and Courage of the Unvaccinated:
Canary In a Covid World: How Propaganda and Censorship Changed Our (My) World, 2023 (Amazon)
Canary In a (Post) Covid World: Money, Fear and Power (Canary In a Covid World), 2024 (Amazon)
Hidden facts related to Pandemic and COVID-19:
Down the COVID-19 Rabbit Hole: Independent Scientists and Physicians Unmask the Pandemic, 2024 (Amazon)
Organizations & Events in Canada
Canadian organizations providing independent, non-governmental, and non-industry-influenced analyses on health-related matters and government measures:
Canadian Citizens Care Alliance (CCCA)
Science and Medical Advisory Committee (SMAC)
"An Injection of Truth" (AIOT) Conferences
Covid Vaccine Injuries: (Injured Young, Search: "Canada")
How Bad is My Batch? (